What is the easiest way to intercept traffic sent over a UNIX Socket?

In general a socket is just a file, so you an use strace for any programm and capture what it writes there. BUT the data you capture there won’t be easy processable by something like wireshark or so.

The other way is that you setup a socat-chain, which proxies the data through a local port and then you capture the data there. You do that, by either pointing the clients or the server to another socket to write to or read from.

Let’s assume usually clients connect to /tmp/socket and we can more easily change them.

(terminal 1)$ socat -t100 -d -d -x -v UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/socket.proxy,mode=777,reuseaddr,fork \
(terminal 2)$ socat -t100 -d -d -x -v TCP-LISTEN:9000,fork,reuseaddr  UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/socket
(terminal 3)$ tcpdump -w /tmp/data.pcap -i lo -nn port 9000

Now reconnect the client to /tmp/socket.proxy and tcpdump will record the traffic flowing over the socket as normal tcp packets.